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Thursday, 24 February 2011

Common queries on Ailments and diseases of dogs

1. What is the normal temperature of a dog?

The normal temperature of a dog is 100-101 degrees, with 102 degrees considered a
high normal, while puppies are normally 101-102 degrees.

2. Do dogs get flu or catch cold from humans?

Since dogs are getting more human-like every day, they can catch flu or cold from their masters. Many dogs seem to come down with colds, sore throats and upset stomachs at the same time as their human families.

3.Is it a sign a dog is ill when it passes a lot of gas(flatulence)?

No, this condition is peculiar to dogs on a high-meat diet. Dogs gulping their food are more prone to flatulence.

4 Is distemper vaccination necessary in a house pet who has no contact with other animals?

Without exception, EVERY DOG should be vaccinated against distemper-hepatitis- leptospirosis.

5. Is there any lifetime distemper shot available?

No, contrary to what was believed for years, there is no such thing as lifetime vaccination for any disease. Pets should be inoculated EVERY YEAR with an annual booster shot for distemper-hepatitis-leptospirosis.

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