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Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Yet more FAQs

Is rabies found only in dogs?

No. Rabies occurs in all warm-blooded animals and is usually spread by wild animals. Bats are a costant source of rabies infection. Any contact with a bat should be regarded with suspicion, and professional advice should be sought.

Is there a home remedy to relieve coughing in a dog?

If there is no infection present, pure honey will soothe the dog's throat. Also, butter can be applied to the dog's nose which when licked by it , will coat its throat and provide some relieve.

Do excessive thirst and constant urination indicate illness?

 One of the first signs of kidney trouble (nephritis) is excessive water drinking and consequent increased urination.There is a type of diabetes, which causes excessive thirst. With such symptoms, the dog should be taken to the vet.

Can aspirin be given to a dog?

The average dog can assimilate aspirin. And it is often used to reduce fever and  pain from arthiritis, rheumatism and other painful and feverish conditions.


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