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Sunday, 27 February 2011

Giants of the Canine world

By Height

IRISH WOLFHOUND            : 31 in-39.5 in

GREAT DANE                        : 30 in-41.5 in

MASTIFF                               : 30 in upwards

SCOTTISH DEERHOUND    : 30 in upwards

TIBETAN MASTIFF              : 28 in upwards

BORZOI                                 : 28 in-31 in

GREY HOUND                      : 28 in-30 in

NEWFOUNDLAND              : 28 in on average

PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN    : 27 in- 32 in

AFGHAN HOUND                : 27 in-29 in

KOMONDOR                        : 26 in- 31 in

FILA BRASILEIRO               : 26 in-30 in

Raj Prateek Verma

Saturday, 26 February 2011

online jobs for all

Job at home

Job at home

If you are looking for a gainful job at home or if you dream about getting income online; yes, finally, you found it!

Receive financial freedom

No pc skills needed. You can be completely new to deal with our application - you don't need ANY experience. This is really simple.
You may stay at home and work at your free time. Even if you don't have pc you may do this work in Internet cafe or on Internet mobile phone.

How it works?

We build a internet-shop for you with ready to operate e-commerce solution. Your work is extremely simple; you have to submit data regarding your online-shop to the Internet sites.
We will provide you with pretty easy step-by-step instruction how to do this. The typical instruction requests you to open a web web site and fill in a form with information about your online-shop and software.
You will be paid from US $20.00 to US 180.00 for each purchase which is comes through your online-shop.<Job at home

Job at home

If you are looking for a gainful job at home or if you dream about getting income online; yes, finally, you found it!

Receive financial freedom

No pc skills needed. You can be completely new to deal with our application - you don't need ANY experience. This is really simple.
You may stay at home and work at your free time. Even if you don't have pc you may do this work in Internet cafe or on Internet mobile phone.

How it works?

We build a internet-shop for you with ready to operate e-commerce solution. Your work is extremely simple; you have to submit data regarding your online-shop to the Internet sites.
We will provide you with pretty easy step-by-step instruction how to do this. The typical instruction requests you to open a web web site and fill in a form with information about your online-shop and software.
You will be paid from US $20.00 to US 180.00 for each purchase which is comes through your online-shop.
There is no limitation for your revenue. No matter where you live your commissions are 100% assured.

Register Now...

Register now to have economic independence. All you need is the simple: register now and haveown web company!
There is no limitation for your revenue. No matter where you live your commissions are 100% assured.

Register Now...

Register now to have economic independence. All you need is the simple: register now and haveown web company!

Dog Disorders

ACHONDROPLASIA (Dwarfism): Bulldog, Dachshund, Basset Hound

ACUTE BLOAT : Boxer, Deerhound, Great Dane, Irish Setter, Irish Wolf Hound, Mastiff

BLINDNESS : Boxer, Collie, German Shepard, Irish Setter, Labrador, Poodle

EYE/EYELID DISORDER : American Cocker Spaniel, Bloodhound, Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Chow,
Pekingnese, St.Bernard, All Spaniels, Collie, Dalmatians

DISTEMPER : Eskimo dogs, Japanese Spaniel are more prone

EPILEPSY : American Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, Boxer, Poodle


ARTHRITIS : Boxer, Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, German Sheperd, Great Dane,

Raj Prateek Verma

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More FAQs about dogs

1. What is the appropriate age for first rabies vaccination?
    The puppy should be at least 4 months old before a rabies vaccination. It should be repeated annually      without fail.
2. Does frothing at the mouth mean a dog has rabies?
    No,no, a thousand times NO. Many other ailments also cause frothing.
3. What is the proper procedure when one is bitten by a dog who may be rabid?
     First, quarantine the dog and then wash the wound with strong soap. If the dog is healthy after the 14 day quarantine period, the bitten person can breathe a sigh of relief. If the dog turns out to have rabies even as late as the 14th day of quarantine, there is still plenty of time for the person to take the Pasteur treatment

Raj Prateek Verma

Friday, 25 February 2011

About Raj Prateek Verma

My name is Raj Prateek Verma. I reside in a mining town called Ghatsila, jharkhand, India. I am involved in my my family contract business  related to civil, transport and loading. Am married and have two kids. My wife is a teacher. My passion is painting, keeping dogs, travelling and cars.
Raj Prateek Verma

My Irish Setter pup.

My Irish Setter pup. Was my shadow throughout its life. Never left me for a moment. Slightly obstinate and ever ready to give its paw for a shake hand if requested for and that too a no. of times.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Common queries on Ailments and diseases of dogs

1. What is the normal temperature of a dog?

The normal temperature of a dog is 100-101 degrees, with 102 degrees considered a
high normal, while puppies are normally 101-102 degrees.

2. Do dogs get flu or catch cold from humans?

Since dogs are getting more human-like every day, they can catch flu or cold from their masters. Many dogs seem to come down with colds, sore throats and upset stomachs at the same time as their human families.

3.Is it a sign a dog is ill when it passes a lot of gas(flatulence)?

No, this condition is peculiar to dogs on a high-meat diet. Dogs gulping their food are more prone to flatulence.

4 Is distemper vaccination necessary in a house pet who has no contact with other animals?

Without exception, EVERY DOG should be vaccinated against distemper-hepatitis- leptospirosis.

5. Is there any lifetime distemper shot available?

No, contrary to what was believed for years, there is no such thing as lifetime vaccination for any disease. Pets should be inoculated EVERY YEAR with an annual booster shot for distemper-hepatitis-leptospirosis.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Importance of having a pet

I have since long wanted to share my views with a larger no. of people. Had never tried blogging and this is my first try.
I shall be writing about dogs. In my thirty years of association with this wonderful canine world, I have come to know one important point- that when I am writing about dogs, I am actually writing about people.  The longer i think upon it the more convinced I am that dogs aren't just dogs. They are people too. Or at least they think they are! Certainly dogs are the only animals who would rather stay with humans than with their own species.

They face similar problems like those of humans - physical ailments, emotional problems , even personality clashes. However, our dog, despite all its human qualities, and because ability to talk is not one of them, is wholly dependent on our knowledge  and understanding of it as its means of communication with us. Because we are its world, it desires above all to be known, understood - to be as much a part of our love and life as possible. Its reason for being is to serve us, to comfort us and love us without being selfish. In return, it desires for our love, attention and acceptance as a member of the family.